Back to Amazon EC2: Getting started (Part 1/2)
Now our instance is launching, view your instance by selecting "instances" from left navigation bar
My instance is now running but its still Initializing, so we have to wait until instance is fully launched, this will take couple of minutes. Once "Initializing" will be replaced with something like 2/2 checks passed, instance is ready for use.
Next select your instance and properties windows will be populated with information about your instance. We need public DNS address in order to connect our instance. Private DNS address is used for internal communication of your instances.
Connecting to your server using PuTTY
First you must generate .ppk file from your private key .pem file. Windows users can follow this guide and Linux users this.
Copy paste your Public DNS or IP address to "Host name". Then browse to
Connection -> SSH -> Auth and Browse for your .ppk file and click Open.
Since you are probably connecting your server for the first time PuTTY will alert you that this host key is not yet in system cache. You can ignore this and press Yes.
In ubuntu server, default login name is ubuntu.
Now we are logged in! Have fun!
If you want to setup LAMP server to your instance. Check out this:
Setting up LAMP in Ubuntu server
Now our instance is launching, view your instance by selecting "instances" from left navigation bar
My instance is now running but its still Initializing, so we have to wait until instance is fully launched, this will take couple of minutes. Once "Initializing" will be replaced with something like 2/2 checks passed, instance is ready for use.
Next select your instance and properties windows will be populated with information about your instance. We need public DNS address in order to connect our instance. Private DNS address is used for internal communication of your instances.
Connecting to your server using PuTTY
First you must generate .ppk file from your private key .pem file. Windows users can follow this guide and Linux users this.
Copy paste your Public DNS or IP address to "Host name". Then browse to
Connection -> SSH -> Auth and Browse for your .ppk file and click Open.
Since you are probably connecting your server for the first time PuTTY will alert you that this host key is not yet in system cache. You can ignore this and press Yes.
In ubuntu server, default login name is ubuntu.
Now we are logged in! Have fun!
If you want to setup LAMP server to your instance. Check out this:
Setting up LAMP in Ubuntu server