
Setting up LAMP in Ubuntu Server

This guide will take you trough process of installing fully functional LAMP server in Ubuntu. You can setup this easily in few minutes.

 sudo apt-get update  
 sudo tasksel  

Move to LAMP server and check it by pressing space, then click TAB to move to Ok and press Enter.

tasksell will download and install all necessary packets for you. Next you must enter MySQL root password and confirm it.

Once install is completed, verify it by connecting to http://<your public dns or ip>/

You should see this:

Yup! it works, now we will set up phpmyadmin for administrating MySQL

 sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin  

Setup will automatically configure phpmyadmin for you.

Select "apache2" from the list by pressing space

Configure database for phpmyadmin with dbconfig-common? -> Yes

Here you must enter your MySQL root password. The one you entered earlier!

Enter password for application password for phpmyadmin

This is password for user "phpmyadmin" that will be used for communication between MySQL Server and phpmyadmin.

And we are set again, verify installation by visiting http://<your public dns or ip>/phpmyadmin

You can log in using "root" and your MySQL root password or with "phpmyadmin" and application specific password.


Generate .ppk out of .pem using PuTTYgen

First you must download PuTTYgen, you can download it from here.

Open PuTTYgen and select Load

Note that you must select All Files (*.*) from filter or you cannot locate the file. Click Open 

Next up "Save private key" should no longer be greyed out, click it and name your .ppk file.

And you are done!


Linux: Using FTP in bash

Default FTP client in Linux is simply called "ftp", it covers mostly all the basic needs and its easy to use.

Using FTP in command line

Lets pretend that i have file called data.dat that i need to upload to ftpserver.net. First we start FTP by simply typing in "ftp".

 m@srv:~$ ftp  
 ftp> o ftpserver.net  
 Connected to ftpserver.net.  
 220 ProFTPD 1.3.4b Server ready.  
 Name (ftpserver.net:m): myusername  
 331 Password required for myusername  
 230 User myusername logged in  
 Remote system type is UNIX.  
 Using binary mode to transfer files.  

So first of all we connect with command "o", followed by the server address, if connection is successful   server will prompt you for username and password.

After server lets you in, you can list directories by doing "dir" or "ls"

 ftp> ls  
 200 PORT command successful  
 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list  
 drwx--x---  9 ftp   ftp     4096 Sep 14 11:45 .  
 drwx--x---  9 ftp   ftp     4096 Sep 14 11:45 ..  
 drwx--x--x  4 ftp   ftp     4096 Sep 3 20:00 .appdata  
 -rw-r--r--  1 ftp   ftp      220 May 12 2008 .bash_logout  
 -rw-r--r--  1 ftp   ftp     3116 May 12 2008 .bashrc  
 -rw-------  1 ftp   ftp      89 Sep 13 22:12 .clipboard.txt  
 -rw-r--r--  1 ftp   ftp      675 May 12 2008 .profile  
 -rw-r-----  1 ftp   ftp      34 Jun 5 2009 .shadow  
 drwxrwx--x  2 ftp   ftp     4096 Sep 14 07:21 .spamassassin  
 drwx------  2 ftp   ftp     4096 Sep 3 20:01 application_backups  
 drwxr-xr-x  2 ftp   ftp     4096 Apr 21 2011 backups  
 drwx--x--x  3 ftp   ftp     4096 Jun 5 2009 domains  
 drwxrwx---  3 ftp   ftp     4096 Jun 5 2009 imap  
 drwxr-xr-x  2 ftp   ftp     4096 Sep 14 11:45 upload  
 226 Transfer complete  

Now we can proceed and upload file, there is a folder called upload so I'm going to use that one. You can create directories with "mkdir".

 ftp> cd upload  
 250 CWD command successful  
 ftp> put /home/m/data.dat data.dat  
 local: /home/m/data.dat remote: data.dat  
 200 PORT command successful  
 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for data.dat  
 226 Transfer complete  
 ftp> ls  
 200 PORT command successful  
 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list  
 drwxr-xr-x  2 ftp   ftp     4096 Sep 14 11:50 .  
 drwx--x---  9 ftp   ftp     4096 Sep 14 11:45 ..  
 -rw-r--r--  1 ftp   ftp       0 Sep 14 11:50 data.dat  
 226 Transfer complete  

With "put" command we first specify local location of the file,  following that only the file name, since we are already in a correct folder. We could also use absolute paths here, like this: "/upload/data.dat". We verified that our file is indeed in upload folder with "ls".

Note: You can delete files with command "del" and remove directories with "rm".

Now we can exit

 ftp> exit  
 221 Goodbye.  

Polite FTP server will tell you Goodbye!

Upload file using NcFTP

I personally wanted to have a ftp program that can upload a file in a single command, i couldn't do this with ftp so i needed to look for alternatives.

Client called NcFTP can do this. This doesn't come as a default so you need to install it.

 m@srv:~$ sudo apt-get install ncftp  

With ncftp, you get a program called ncftpput. If i would want to upload same file as above with single line command it would look something like this:

 m@srv:~$ ncftpput -u myusername -p mypassword ftpserver.net /upload /home/m/data.dat  
 /home/m/data.dat:                 183.41 kB 208.00 kB/s  

Here you first specify remote folder and after that local file location, exact opposite to ftp's put.

Very handy for scripting!